

There's a lot in the world to explore...


Local Journalism Entreprenuership

I have coached and mentored more than three dozen local journalism founders across the United States.

Online Media

No matter what I've worked on in news, I’ve always had a hand in the digital presence of the organization.


I started working in newspapers as a layout editor before becoming the Editor in Chief of a weekly. There’s nothing quite like putting together an entire newspaper over and over to teach you respect for details.


Public Radio taught me a new respect for the power of sound and how to make the most of every minute.

Public Television

Public television is elegant balancing act between information and expression. The public television station I worked for taught me about finding the special spot of catching an audience’s attention and delivering value.

My Favorite Stories

Never Alone - KTOO
Never Alone is based on a traditional story known as Kunuuksaayuka and the experiences of Alaska elders, storytellers and youth.

*Note: the CMS changes since this story was originally published has resulted in some elements not displaying as they originally did.

Court uses wellness program to tackle Fairbanks’ DUI problems
Each Thursday, a group of DUI offenders meets in the Rabinowitz Courthouse.
Alaska couples await Supreme Court decision on DOMA, Prop 8
With only two decision days left for the Supreme Court, rulings that could impact same sex marriage could come as early as tomorrow.


The Future of Journalism is Collaborative

Facet is the infrastructure of collaborative journalism

Facet is an open source project to help newsrooms manage the multifaceted challenge of planning and executing collaborative projects across different platforms with partners of various sizes and resources.

Facet was recognized as a finalist in the 2018 Global Editors Network Startups for News Competition which seeks to highlight the best new startups that serve newsrooms.

The Future Of Journalism Is Collaborative


I'm a pretty frequent reader across a lot of genres in nonfiction and fiction. I'm planning on adding a section of book notes to this site soon.


My favorite place is behind my camera.


Creative experimentation and expression is really important to me. I am frequently trying new art forms and enjoy making things—regardless of how bad I might be at that particular format ;)